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Thursday, January 17, 2013

July 3rd 2012 rewind

I've always found it a special gift to be in New England for the 4th of July.  I mean, it is the birthday of our nation and to spend this time of year in the place where it all happened just seems right somehow.  Someday I'm going to spend it in Boston; but, this past year, the 4th fell on a week day and we only had that one day off.  David and I both enjoy fireworks during this time of year; but we decided to find some place that were having them on the 3rd instead of the 4th so that we could enjoy them and still have the next day off and not have to fight the crowds.   

Weirs Beach on the shores of
 Lake Winnipesaukee to the rescue!

Located just a short and scenic drive from our home,
 it was an easy get away for after work.

Weirs Beach has a beautiful boardwalk with scenic views of mountains overlooking the beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee.

There is a lot of traffic on the lake and you can always be sure to find a beautiful old Cris Craft boat there.  I am crazy about antique boats and the lakes around here seem to have an abundance of them.

There is plenty to do here for all ages making this a great vacation destination.

We are all about making memories and finding interesting ways to spend time.  Maybe you are young enough that you've never gotten to experience the magic of a drive-in movie; but, maybe you are like me where the thought of a drive-in brings back sweet memories of times past.  Weirs Beach Drive-In Theater is still in operation and it was the perfect way to pass the time until the fireworks started.

With its location directly across from the beach where the fireworks would be held, we did not have to move our car to catch the beautiful  show.  

another day....another memory made


  1. Oh I remember that lake with the big, funny name ha,ha. I stayed there for a weekend when I was in NH. It was so beautiful although empty of people because it was winter. I loved it!

  2. 'Doctor Marvin, Doctor Leo Marvin!!!!'

    Fun to see the photos of summertime. Enjoying a glimpse of warmth in our near zero weather here today. :-0


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