I am so happy that you have landed in my little corner of cyberspace. If you join me here, you will, hopefully, get to know a little about me. You will read my thoughts, my hopes and dreams, and see some of my favorite things. I hope you will visit often. I will try to update it regularly and hopefully you will see an improvement in the blog along the way. Thank you for stopping in to see me as I travel on this journey called "life"!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

In keeping with the food theme that this blog has seemed to take on recently, this is my entry for this week's Ruby Tuesday. 

Baby arugula, baby spinach, pea shoots, avocado,
goat cheese, sliced onion, grape tomatoes and
honey balsamic vinaigrette on a whole wheat wrap. 

You can find the recipe for the vinaigrette here and you can find more Ruby Tuesday photos here.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Have a happy Tuesday!


  1. That is a gorgeous salad. I am ready for the red of those tomatoes. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Looks so good, Candace! You've given me salad cravings this week! We love salad!

  3. Candace - this salad looks and sounds amazing! It just screams fresh and light. I do enjoy a good salad - thank you for sharing this one! I suppose you could eat it like a salad or just wrap it up and it would be a salad wrap. Either way - sounds delicious to me!!

  4. That is SO beautiful and sounds delicious. YUM. I have got to get a goat. I have just started making cheese and I can see that a goat would be really handy!

  5. I don't eat raw tomatoes but the rest of it looks delicious.

    (Psst... I just put up a giveaway for a $50 gift certificate - swing by my blog for a chance to win.)

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  6. Wow! Looks delicious and beautiful at the same time...

  7. Looks lovely! I love a good salad, can't wait until our garden is sporting some romaine. Thanks for stopping over on my blog and welcome to NH! ~Vonnie

  8. oh, and Candace, I just read your post about local eating...I put a link to a winter's farmers market listing in NH on the comments of that post (What's a Girl to do?), not sure where you live, but it's worth checking out if you're in Southern NH. We eat mostly local, so if you're needing any info, feel free to email me, link's on my blog....~Vonnie

  9. Oh that looks so good! And it's good for you too! I'll have to copy this recipe. It seems easy enough to make. Thanks for stopping by. You're right, I didn't notice the red on the beak until I enlarged the photo!

  10. Wow! That looks and sounds delicious! Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea and make that for my lunch this week. Have a great day!


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