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Saturday, February 12, 2011


Having the opportunity to snuggle and love on your grandchildren when they are sick comes with a very small price.  I managed to catch her cold so this week I don't have a lot to share with you about my progress.  I've pretty much been in the house since Monday resting and trying to get over this.  Given the chance for a "do-over" with the snuggling and loving on her thing last weekend, I would do it all the same way again.  Like I said...it was a small price to pay for the privilege of being able to spend that time with her. 

I hope you all have had a wonderful week full of reaching your goals and making your dreams come true.  Thanks so much for stopping by!  I am working on a few things to share with you in the coming week.



  1. Hope you are feeling better. I know what you mean. It was worth it.

  2. It is a small price to pay for such a special time :-) Hope that you get better quickly though and am looking forward to what your plan is for next week.

  3. Ugh! I guess that's the danger of having small children around. Feel better soon!

  4. That's the reason I dislike winter. It's so full of colds and viruses. I have an eight-year old son and he brings home all sorts of viruses. I hope you will feel better Candace! Stay warm and make yourself a nice hot chocolate!

  5. Hi Candace

    I know that feeling all too well, I do hope you are able to get some rest and that you are feeling better. I would send over some chicken soup if I could!

  6. Hi Candace,
    That was a sweet post! Hope you feel better soon. :-) David/ Houston Texas

  7. Hope this finds you feeling well my friend! Like you, I have found myself ill in the same circumstance in the past. Would not have traded it for anything. Love & Hugs

  8. I find living with my grands I am no so easy to catch their colds, but put me in a class room and I quickly get one! Feel better my friend!

  9. I totally know how you feel I caught Lila's cold a few weeks ago. But it was well worth the cuddle time. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  10. I spray and wipe everything down when I get to school. And, I don't let the kids open the door to my room! I'm doing everything I can possibly do to keep the germs at bay! Hope you're feeling better!

  11. It's the mom/grandma in us! We snuggle on the kid-lins no matter how messy, smelly or sick they are!
    You are a good grandma - Hope you feel better soon.
    Have a Wonderful Valentines day!

  12. I hope you feel better soon! Happy Valentine's Day my friend. I hope you have a great day and feel up to doing something fun!

    Mama Hen

  13. I hope you feel better soon. I couldn't agree with you more about time with the grandchildren. You went down with the ship but it was for the best of all possible causes :-). Take care. Blessings...Marya

  14. Sorry to hear you're under the weather! Little kids, as wonderful and loveable as they are, are often little petrie dishes of germs! ;)

  15. I hope you were feeling well enough to attend the festivities this weekend!!

  16. I feel your pain, went through the same thing myself this week. He is so worth it though.


  17. Chicken soup and peppermint tea! Feel better ... :)

  18. Well wishes, Candace!!! Looking forward to another Project 2011 update.
    And thank you so much for stopping by my blog!!! :)


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