I am so happy that you have landed in my little corner of cyberspace. If you join me here, you will, hopefully, get to know a little about me. You will read my thoughts, my hopes and dreams, and see some of my favorite things. I hope you will visit often. I will try to update it regularly and hopefully you will see an improvement in the blog along the way. Thank you for stopping in to see me as I travel on this journey called "life"!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It is the 2nd day of spring in Louisiana....

and we have snow!  Of course, it has been in the 70's this past week so the snow isn't sticking to the ground.  It will promptly warm up again this week so I will enjoy it while it lasts.  A snowy cold day makes for a wonderful Sunday in my opinion.  It is a great day to stay inside and take care of things that have needed to be taken care of for awhile, get some rest for the upcoming week and watch the pretty snow fall outside the window. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

And so.....

I'm getting to chat with my adult son this morning online and enjoying it so much. We are going to pick him up next Saturday at the airport and he will spend his spring break with us. I'm so excited to see him and that he still chooses to come spend time with us. I know it won't last forever so I'm cherishing every moment that I have with him. The house just feels so comfortable when he is here. Just thought I would share that! ☺

Have a great day everyone!


It has been awhile since I've posted anything on here. I started this blog with high hopes. I felt that there was something inside of me that needed to be birthed and thought that this would a great outlet for that. My son had started his blog and was doing so well at it. His blog is amazing. He encouraged me to start blogging so I decided to give it a try. I would like to say that life intervened and I just became busy; but, the truth of the matter is that I became nervous after I started this blog and pretty much shut it all down and allowed life to intervene. Why?
Well.....I began to think.....(and that's usually where the problems begin...with me "beginning to think"!)

Do I want to put everything out there for the whole world to see? What will people think when they read this? Boring! Cheesy! Next blog please!

Isn't it safer to just leave it all bottled up inside? How do I get this started? I don't have a clue about this kind of stuff anyway. Maybe I'm not as creative as I think I am. Maybe I'm just wishing that I were creative. This will be so cheesy. You know the old English proverb

.."Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and
remove all doubt..."

Well I'm sure that I have had that mindset......

Now that I've been reading blogs and thinking about this for the last year and contemplating my life as it is and more and more stuff being bottled up inside, I've decided to give this another try. Who was I blogging for to begin with? Wasn't this supposed be about me anyway?

So if you are out there joining me in this journey, welcome!