Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Photo of the Day - BeachStone Feet

I spend a lot of time on Pinterest.  If you follow me there, you already know that.   If you are not following me already, I invite you to connect with me there.   The Pinterest app for my iPhone makes it so easy to hang out there whenever I have some free time.   It may or may not be partly responsible for my lack of blogging lately.   I have tried a few things that I have seen on there.   Most of the things that I have tried have been recipes.  Some have been hits and some have not worked out so well.   I am constantly blown away by the creativity that is out there and love that Pinterest is a great medium to share that with the world.   One of my favorite "pins" were these cute little feet made out of stones. 

We love to collect stones whenever we are at the beach so I knew it was something that I wanted to make for our home.  One a recent trip to the coast, David and I had a blast looking for stones that would work to make our own "BeachStone Feet".  It was harder than it looked to find just the right stones.  Ours aren't perfect and we have only found enough so far for a pair.  Our search will continue; but it's a start.  



  1. I love those feet! They are awesome...I've seen them before and thought they were pretty cool...just adorable. Big hugs...come stop by sweetie...(lost everything today--had to start all over, just click the link on my name) Big hugs, xoxo

  2. So cute! I'm a pinterest fanatic also

  3. Oh Candy, I've seen this before and I think it is soooooo cute!! I know I would smile every time I would see something like this in my yard!!

  4. So if I click on your link I can follow you on pinterest? I am so clueless, but I am on pinterest.

    So fricken cute! I wish I were that creative, but I am a good copier! :D

  5. Those are just entirely too cute ... :)

  6. So cute! But yes, I imagine it will take a lot of time to find the perfect stones. :)

  7. those are sooo cute! I have never thought to do that before with stones


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