Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Full of Words and Photos Wednesday

I wanted to share with you some of the random shots that we took at the beach Sunday morning. David and I both had cameras and we were both experimenting with overexposing and underexposing the sunset so we have hundreds of photos. We I am a such a novice at photography that my shots are literally accidents most of the time. So some of these photos are his and some of them are mine; but, as he said...."We are Mi chiamo Candace...".  So there ya go...

This is the first time that I've really played with the settings on the camera at all. It was fun and it was just the beginning.  Like I said, they are completely random and not in any particular order.  They are just a few of the ones that I thought turned out particularly well. 

The colors were just amazing.  This one with the pinks, blues and purples is more true to the light that was shown that morning.

I love this one of David's silhouette with his tripod on the beach.   I probably love it, not because it's such a great photo, but because it is my best friend doing something that he enjoys while we were making a beautiful memory together.  Sappy, I know...


I don't think I have ever seen a live starfish before.  Because of the low tide, they were in abundance on the rocks.  So cool...

I love this photo of David's reflection in the sand.  He noticed the shot first with my reflection so he gets the credit for it.  His reflection is much nicer than mine so he gets featured, as well.

I have no idea what these are.  Anyone?

I know this was photo heavy today.  I hope you have enjoyed them.  My posts have been sporadic, at best, this summer.  It has been a busy one for us.  Add all of the changes that have gone on in our life since last October and you will find us me looking for "normal"....whatever that is.

Connor leaves for college in a couple of weeks so I'm going to be taking the rest of his time here and trying to make every day count.  Hopefully, I can distract myself from "my baby is going to college" with getting into a routine and getting organized once he has gone on to his new life.  I have lots of planned posts.....planned in my mind, that is....and maybe I can translate those into actual blog posts going forward.  We'll see.  For now, I'm off to create something wonderful with maple syrup.  

Before I forget....

If you are looking for something fun to do tonight, Renee at Eat.Live.Blog is hosting a Crockpot Twitter Party (#crockpotwed) tonight, Wednesday, August 3rd at 6:00 PM EST.  Check out the announcement here on Renee's blog for more information.  Looks like a bunch of fun and I hope that I can pop in for at least a few minutes.  I've never participated in a Twitter party before so I'm looking forward to seeing what it is all about.

And one other thing on my mind that I want to throw out there to you before I close today's post...

I am looking for someone to guest post from time to time.  If you are interested,  I would love to hear from you.  Just pop me a note at...

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you have a fantastic Wednesday!

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  1. Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. Good job.

  2. Beautiful shots! I have yet to capture Sunrise photos, but as you know I've captured many Sunset moments! Thank you for sharing! ~Hugs, Mitzi

  3. Beautiful, Candace! So worth the early morning wake up call.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  4. So jealous of all those lovely sunsets and photos. You certainly took the time to appreciate so much of what He's made. :O)

  5. Ah gorgeous photos! It really makes me feel so refreshed just looking at them!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous photos !!!


  7. Your 'accidents' are drop down gorgeous.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous photos! It must of been so awesome to see in person

  9. wow, loving all these photographs!! makes me want to go on vacation :)

  10. Gorgeous photo's! It's beautiful there! Love the reflection shot!

  11. Thanks for the #crockpotwed plug! It went fabulously! As always, your photos are beautiful! And I would definitely be interested in guest posting the next time you need it!

  12. The photos are fabulous! I wish I had been there. Just beautiful!

  13. Being the photog lover that I am, I love this post! The pictures are incredible and creative . . . love them. And you guys . . .
    : )

  14. Beautiful, beautiful photos! The beach is so relaxing.

  15. Absolutely gorgeous sunrise photos!

  16. Hi Candace,

    What beautiful photos. I just returned from a trip and visited New Hampshire. Sadly, I did not get to the beach. I do know however that the funny little bulbs in your photo that you asked if anyone knew what they are are kelp. And I'm a desert landlocked girl. Love your blog.

  17. HI Candace,

    Very pretty, what beach did you go to? Looks like it could be Jenness. The little bulbs are just the seed pods on the sea weed, they are all over the place on our coast. Also, next time you go, bring a big garbage bag and add some of that sea weed to your compost pile. The plants LOVE it! ~Vonnie


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